1 d0n't kn0w what day 1t 1s. N0t anym0r3. 1s 1t 3v3n day? 3v3ryth1ng h3r3 1s s0 strang3. F1rst th3 g3n3rat0rs w3nt and 3v3ryon3 pan1ck3d. 1t was 0nly a f3w m1nut3s b3f0r3 w3 h1t. F00d was rat10n3d amongst th0s3 wh0 surv1v3d th3 crash. Th3r3 was pl3nty 0f f00d- th3r3 w3r3 so f3w 0f us l3ft. W3 3l3cted an 3m3rg3ncy c0unc1l and d2c1d3d t0 act1vat3 th3 d1str3ss s1gnal un1t. w33ks w3nt by. w3 w3r3 ab0ut to l0s3 h0p3 wh3n th3 fr31ght3r land3d.
1 w1sh w3 had l0st h0p3.
Th3y sa1d th3y cam3 t0 r3scu3 us. N0 0n3 3v3n th0ught t0 ask th3m h0w th3y had f0und us. Th3y sa1d th3y had a h0st v3ss3l wa1t1ng 1n 0rb1t. W3 w3r3 0v3rj0y3d. W0m3n and ch1ldr3n f1rst th3y sa1d. My w1fe volunt33r3d to g0 1n the s3c0nd tr1p, but 1 1ns1sted sh3 go r1ght th3n. 1 sa1d 1 would s33 h3r 1n a f3w h0urs and to tak3 car3 of 0ur l1tt13 on3s.
N1n3 h0urs lat3r th3 patr0l sk1ff cam3. W3 swarm3d th3 tw0 cr3w m3mb3rs. W3 ask3d about the h0st v3ss3l 1n orb1t. Th3y d1dn't kn0w ab0ut a h0st v3ss3l. 0r a fr3ight3r. Th3y sa1d th3y w3r3 sc0ut1ng n3w w0rlds for m1n3ral str1pp1ng, and had d3t3ct3d us c0mpl3t3ly by chanc3.
Th3 distr3ss s1gnal un1t had was n0wh3r3 to b3 f0und.
1 d3c1d3d n0t t0 l3ave w1th th3 0th3r m3n. 1 th1nk 1'll stay r1ght h3r3 and wa1t for h3r. Th3y sa1d th3y'd b3 back in a f3w h0urs. Th3y cam3 to r3scu3 us.