Jaybro: Hey, roomie guess what?
Roomie: What?
Jaybro: There's gonna be a male stripper at my formal on Friday!
Roomie: No way! There's a guy in my class who strips! He goes by the stage name "Giovanni". We all make fun of him because he's always working out and drinking tons of milk.
Jaybro: oh god, I hope it's him! I mean, how many male strippers could there be in this town?

HElllllOOOOO Giovanni!
then, 2 glorious weeks later at a local dancing establishment...
Man: Oh hey, baby. I'm sorry...what's your name again?
Jaybro: I'm Jaybro. What's your name?
Man: I'm Man. Where did we meet?
Jaybro: Oh, you stripped at my formal. I was the one taking incriminating photos of my friends.
Man: OOOHHHHHH mannnn... turns to friend Yo, dude she met me while I was working.
everyone laughs.
end scene