Monday, April 25, 2011

Bobby Lashley vs John Cena

Yesterday I was watching Fox News and caught most of the segment on Neil Cavuto’s show regarding the WWE’s planned trip to Iraq to entertain the troops (MsUnderestimated has video available). This is the 4th year they’ve done this and with each year it’s been a resounding success. John Cena and Bobby Lashley (a former U.S. Army Sergeant) were interviewed about their thoughts about the trip. One thing of note, none of the wrestlers and crew are mandated by Vincent K. McMahon to go. It’s strictly voluntary. However, the list of volunteers has always been longer than the available slots and WWE officials have the difficult task to deciding who won’t go. Military officials have embraced the WWE’s visits and worked the logistics with, if you’ll pardon the expression, military precision. Another thing I have noticed about the wrestlers at these shows for the troops: even though those men and women perform incredibly on television, each and every one of them who perform for the troops in Iraq get motivated to raise the bar on their performances. Therefore if you want to see probably one of the best performances from WWE wrestlers, I suggest watching WWE’s “Tribute To The Troops” shows if available (I’m not sure if a PPV will be made available however in past years one of their network shows originates from an undisclosed location in Iraq via tape-delay). The WWE has sections of their website devoted to “Tribute To The Troops” containing blogs from wrestler CM Punk and diva Maria. I don’t know how much of the blogs are kayfabe vs. non-kayfabe but they will still be worth reading. There are also photos and videos from last year’s tour as well.

Bobby Lashley vs John Cena
Bobby Lashley vs John Cena
Bobby Lashley vs John Cena
Bobby Lashley vs John Cena
Bobby Lashley vs John Cena
Bobby Lashley vs John Cena
Bobby Lashley vs John Cena