Friday, May 20, 2011

Wwe Edge 2011

Makes them a little more attractive to the penny concious buyer.

More importantly, cutting price of the current design signals the arrival of a new design in the not-too-distant-future.

20' for $699?. I bought the dell version a year and a half ago for $600. Wow, yeah, sure puts the scare into Dell.. Dell is practically giving away their 20 inches now. No thanks, I'll take my 699, add a few more dollars and get a Dell 23 inch.

One good thing, Apple 30 inch is now cheaper than Dell's!!!.. If I had the money for a 30 inch (man, oh man) this would definetly be a deal for me. Oh well.

Anyone want to donate a $1 towards my "Get a 30 inch apple display" Foundation?. You'll get a tax writeoff!!.. All i need is 2000 people donating $1 each

Wwe Edge 2011
Wwe Edge 2011
Wwe Edge 2011
Wwe Edge 2011
Wwe Edge 2011